
Faith Formation: Christian Education and Youth Opportunities

We offer several opportunities for Faith Formation, or Christian Education, for all ages:

Sunday School

Starting with our youngest disciples, we have Sunday School weekly during the school year at 9:45am between worship services. They will be in classes with their own age groups, Elementary, Middle School and High School.

First Communion

For those youngsters interested in taking communion, we usually begin at elementary age. They may take our First Communion class, which is offered several times a year. Once they have taken that class along with their parents, they are then ready to receive communion during worship.


For those middle school children (7th & 8th Grade), confirmation classes are offered usually once a month on Sunday afternoons. They will take classes for two years and then will be confirmed during worship – at this point, they will be considered voting members of the church. Please call the church office or speak with the Pastor about enrolling your child in confirmation classes. 

Youth Group – LYFE

High school youth have L.Y.F.E. (Lutheran Youth for Everyone) get-togethers once a month on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 3:03pm. They have bible studies, recreational events, and attend regional and national Lutheran camps and gatherings. The largest of these is the ELCA National Youth Gathering, which happens every three years.

Adult Sunday School and Bible Studies

Bible Studies for adults are offered Wednesday mornings at 10:30 am at the church (with an online Zoom option). Adult Sunday school is now being offered between services on Sundays at 9:45am and are currently doing a book study, Provocative Grace: The Challenge in Jesus’ Words by Robert Corin Morris. We ask that participants purchase their own book. There is also a Zoom link if you are unable to join in-person.

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